Slipping, sliding, throwing a few jabs; excuse the boxing metaphors, but this is a good description of how our day-to-day actions feel at Riverplace Capital. As the Bull has remarked during past corrections, this is a good time to eliminate failed business model stocks and upgrade to those that have strong long-term prospects. This is not a comment on price levels. During these times, good and bad go down. A price decline may tell very little about the prospects for any company.
Patience is still required. Bear markets typically last from 6 to 18 months. Looking back, this one started in November of last year, so it is now 6 or 7 months old. Remember, the stock market will anticipate future turns and may begin improving months before the actual results become obvious. The Bull and his partners believe that most of the price damage has already been seen in our stock market. Upgrading, taking a few losses, and switching into other strong candidates is how to handle the current environment–counter punch. Otherwise, stay steady my friends.
The Lonely Bull