Volatility has been increasing. The Bull and his partners believe it will persist and perhaps even increase. We are also seeing deterioration in the internal technicals in the stock market. The money flow model has now turned negative and other factors are flashing warning signals. Nothing in forecasting is definitive, but there are plenty of reasons to stay cautious.
Investors, both bulls and bears, are anxiously awaiting more clarity about various policies of the new administration. Will there really be mass deportations, will all imports have tariffs imposed, and how deep and disruptive will cuts in government spending be, along with many other possible changes and concerns? Any or all of these issues, in addition to others, could exacerbate volatility and shake confidence.
Therefore, having the wherewithal to take advantage of opportunities should pay off. We have already been able to upgrade some investments but continue to hold good cash reserves. Understand that Riverplace Capital is a long-term investor, but there are times when being more nimble is important. This is one of them. Stay steady my friends.
-The Lonely Bull