For those who continue to invest in the best wealth machine ever invented, the American economy, congratulations. This past year was terrific for returns. Almost every category participated. There will always be ups and downs, but one must realize you just have to join in and be there. No one gets all the zigs and zags right. Invest with a reasonable time horizon. It has been the most successful way. If you can’t do it yourself, do it with a good partner like Riverplace Capital.
However, it is normal this time of year for everyone to think about what is to come. The Bull and his partners know we do not really know. We have laid out our best conjecture in our quarterly newsletter, Perspectives. This will be released next week and be available on our website, www.riverplacecapital.com. It will subsequently be sent out by mail and email. Knowing we will never successfully forecast such a complex system as a national economy, we remain flexible and will adjust as necessary to protect and enhance returns. In the meantime, enjoy your New Year’s celebration and stay safe.
The Lonely Bull